Browse our trainings & workshops.Certified Trainings
Mentors & Mentees
Difficult Conversations for Managers
Stress Management & Resilience
Introduction to Agile Coaching (Scrum & Kanban)
Leadership for Business Agility
Work occupies such a huge chunk of our daily life. The way we experience the organisation we work at has a direct impact on how we feel at work. Is the organisation you work in modeling great leadership?
This course is designed to create more effective leadership on all levels, yet particularly for individuals who want to be part of creating a change, a paradigm shift!
Who for?
Managers, Directors and thriving individuals who want to make a difference through the way you influence people around you.
What you’ll learn
- Gained an increased awareness of the leadership qualities that you have and how to leverage those qualities in a given context.
- The tools to navigate and influence change within yourself, others and the broader organisation.
- An understanding of the kinds of leadership that are more effective in agile environments.
Program Structure
This is an in-depth leadership course with seven 2.5hour sessions that aim to support you to:
- Understand your role in the context of Business Agility.
- Understand your role in the context of Business Agility.
- Delve into team dynamics to motivate people consistently.
- Grow as a leader in your organisation, and grow your organisation continuously
- Adapt to current trends and challenges to make the right decisions.
We believe we need to explore together different ways of transforming our organisations. The aim of this course is to offer and analyse different approaches to take.
Overview of 7 Sessions (each 2.5h)
- Leadership and Agility in Context
- Tapping into your Leadership Space
- Connecting the Dots
- Lead vs Following
- Leading an Organisation
- Leading a Transformation
- Growing Your Leadership Capacity
Time Investment
20 H in Total:
- 7 + 2.5h weekly Sessions
- 1h each week for homework, reading, reflection and in-depth self-development.
- Prior to the course, you will have the opportunity to do the Strengthsfinder Assessment online, which we will then use throughout the course. You’ll need about 1h for this.
- 30min Get to know each other call with your instructors; this is optional, but highly recommended.
This course is occasionally offered publicly and can be brought inside of an organization. Contact us for details.
Accredited by ICAgile & ICF
“It’s been a very educational journey. It gave me the possibility not only to know how I can expand my skills but also to how to interact and manage teams in different situations, adapting yourself to get the most effective resolution. The teachers are fantastic and very professional. I highly recommend this course.”
“This type of forum is an excellent way of learning through shared experiences and joint reflection. You learn without noticing.”
“It was a pwoerful journey. This is a training course I would take multiple times, and I know I would learn, grow and appreciate the course more each time.”
Dates: Check here
Price: USD $1.100- 1.550
Mentors & Mentees

Mentoring to propel your career.
Who for?
Managers, Team leads, and anyone who will want to be a Mentor or receive mentoring in his/her professional career.
What you’ll learn
Support Mentors & Mentees to understand fully their role in the process. The program provides tools for effective communication such as ..
- Powerful Questioning
- Establishing Scope & Objectives via Vision Mapping
- Provoke appropriate balance between challenging mentee & acknowledgement
- Decide on how to track Actions & Process
Program Structure
This is a 4H trainining divided into two segments: Mentors & Mentees.
- Roleplay style
- Setting up alliance
- Mentor’s attitude of learning mutually
- Focus on stretching the mentee’s comfort zone.
- Expectation management
- Attitude of ownership & action oriented process
- Voicing mismatches appropriately.
All online training:
- 1⁄3 Breakout Sessions
- 1⁄3 Concepts & Teaching 1⁄3 Group Debate and Q&A
Time Investment
Dates: TBC
Price: TBC depending on group size and scope.

Learn how to conduct difficult conversations and align their conversational styles with your company’s vision & objectives.
Support Managers with Soft Skills in Communication in terms of Conflict Management, Assertiveness and Difficult Conversations.
Who for?
Managers, Team leads and anyone who will want to be a Mentor or receive mentoring in his/her professional career.
What you’ll learn
You will learn how to conduct difficult conversations and align your conversational styles with your company’s vision & objectives.
- How to say NO
- Enhance Negotiation Skills
- Conflict Management Strategies
- Develop Leadership Styles to expand on current polarity (assertive vs permissive)
- Align Manager’s Communication with Organizational Vision
Program Structure
This wokrshop is highly interactive we will not only look at models and theory around communication and conflict management, but stress the importance of implementing what we learned.
For example, we do a Roleplay:
- Manage expectations of someone who is not prepared for the new role
- Manage a promotion of a person whose vision is not aligned with the position
- Manage a person that simply shows low performance
Furthermore, this workshop tries to align your personal style with your organisations culture. We try to understand the underlying concept of value, vision and how to transmit a coherent message in teh role of a manager.
Is our communication and Leadership style aligned with our OKRs?
Notice that different Personal Leadership Styles are perfectly fine, and we want you as a manager strengthen your individual abilities in alignment with your organization’s vision.
All online training:
- 1⁄3 Breakout Sessions
- 1⁄3 Concepts & Teaching
- 1⁄3 Group Debate and Q&A
This course is occasionally offered publicly, and can be brought inside of an organization. Contact us for details.
Time Investment
alternatively two sessions of 4h.
Dates: TBC

Stress Management & Resilience Workshop
Who for?
What you’ll learn
This workshop addresses stress management models such as the FLOW model and Kubler-Ross Change Curve, in order to “understand” what is happening to me in the change process.
We’ll also delve into techniques of reframing such as perspective change and fear management.
Listen, provide honest support y and learn easy tools to change the mindset.
Program Structure
This a quick 2h workshop that will be highly interactive. We will practice exercises related to 5 dysfunctions of a team, in order to understand how to foster trust & accountability at work.
In greater detail, we have a look at work management techniques to handle the burden of work: i.e. we look at agile principles and tools. In particular, how to prioritise and feel on top of things. No more fire fighting!
All online training:
- 1⁄3 Breakout Sessions
- 1⁄3 Concepts & Teaching
- 1⁄3 Group Debate and Q&A
This course is occasionally offered publicly, and can be brought inside of an organization. Contact us for details.
Time Investment
“Super useful and relaxing. My main take away is to question ourselves how the stress is generated and how to “stop and breathe”.”
“This session has given another perspective to approach the situations that can make me feel stressed. Really positive feedback and looking forward for the next one.”
Dates: TBC
Price: TBC
Online Training
The world changes every day. This means, particularly at work, we have to learn new things every day and update the way we work. The VUCA world forces us to change our project management process in order to be more flexible and adapt to the changing market. But, how? A solution can offer the agile methodology.
Who for?
Companies, managers, team leaders and individuals looking for a different way of working and adapting to the digital age.
What you’ll learn
- Agile Alternative & Project Management
- SCRUM (Artifacts and Roles and Events)
- Change management
- Scrum in the Company
Program Structure
Session 1: Introduction to the “Agile Alternative”
- Challenges and problems in project management
- Experiment: Prediction vs. Adaptation
- Iterative and Incremental Development
- Agile Manifesto and Agile Principles
Session 2: Artifact, Roles and Events
- What is a Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog
- Agile Prioritization & Agile Estimation
- Construction of the roadmap
- Product Vision and Agile Inception
Session 3: User Stories, DoR, DoD and Visual Management
- Definition of Ready
- Definition of Done
- Product Increment
- Kanban Board
Session 4: Deep Dive SCRUM Events
- Sprint Planning
- Daily
- Sprint Review
- Sprint Retrospective
Session 5: The Roles in SCRUM
- Characteristics of a high performance team
- Product Owner
- Scrum master
- Development Team
Session 6: SCRUM and Change Management in the Company
- Corporate culture
- Leadership and team management models.
- Change management
All online training:
1/3 work sessions
1⁄3 Concepts and teaching
1/3 Group discussion and questions and answers
This course is occasionally offered publicly and can be incorporated into an organization. Contact us for more details.
Time Investment
Dates: TBC
For Agile Coaches & Scrum Masters
Due to the latest wave of obtaining an Agile Coach or Scrum Master certificate in only a few hours online, companies have observed a deficit in the quality of Coaching.
Who says company, says teams, people, individuals. Learning communication skills, emotional intelligence and coaching in the pure sense of the word can accelerate the success of your project within the agile transformation.
Who for?
Scrum Master, Kanban Practitioner, Agile Coaches, POs and anyone who wants to deepen their Coaching skills.