Any Questions?


1. What happens during coaching session?

My coaching sessions are carried out either face-to-face or by phone/SKYPE depending on your preferences and location.

We will help you reach your most important goals and aspirations by firstly listening, asking questions and finding out what your challenges are. Then we will support and inspire you to reach your full potential –  by creating change from within yourself. You will be encouraged to make decisions and take responsibility for these decisions. We measure the results, so you can be sure that you will reap the benefits of your investment.

2. Why do people come to coaching?

In my experience, people choose coaching to break through old stagnant behavioural patterns, make a change in their lives and move on with a personal or professional project.

Basically, coaching is the right choice if you consider yourself to be healthy ( no psychological pathologies) and, rather than therapy,  you need support and guidance to find the right direction in your life. If you want to talk to someone who is independent, non-judgemental and skilled in providing a confidential space for you to open up, then coaching is what you are looking for.

3. What can I be coached on?

You can be coached in any area of your life that you wish to discuss. The coach is an expert in the coaching field, you are the expert in your life. You choose what you would like to bring to coaching and together we will identify the manageable steps you need in order to be successful in your goal. Typical issues that you may want to work on include stress management, work-life balance, decision-making, boundary/ limit setting, motivation, life purpose or professional projects.

4. What are the differences between coaching and other support services such as mentoring and counseling/psychotherapy?

Coaching is a non-advisory support service. Mentoring and counseling/psychotherapy tend to give advice during their professional sessions. Coaching is forward-thinking and doesn’t tend to dwell on the past. Here’s an overview:

consulting_vs_therapyThomas Leonard, the founder of Coach University, has made the following distinctions between Coaching and traditional therapy:


  • Coaching is about achievement; therapy is about healing.
  • Coaching is about action; therapy is about understanding.
  • Coaching is about transformation; therapy is about change.
  • Coaching is about momentum; therapy is about safety.
  • Coaching is about intuition; therapy is about feelings.
  • Coaching is about joy; therapy is about happiness.
  • Coaching is about performance; therapy is about progress.
  • Coaching is about synchronicity; therapy is about timing.
  • Coaching is about attraction; therapy is about protecting.
  • Coaching is about creating; therapy is about resolving.
5. Why Inbody?

Inbody is a response to the need of corporations that, by definition, “embody” individuals within their organization. The word “corporation” derives from corpus, the Latin word for body or a “body of people”. Therefore we attend to the needs of each individual – as whole entities, including their physical & emotional wellbeing – within a larger context, such as the organization (in itself representing a “body of people”). We apply different techniques such as NLP, Gestalt Therapy, Systemic Thinking (Organizational Constellations) as well as exercises from body-centred therapy and mindfulness.

Also called, Somatic Coaching, is a form of coaching that addresses and includes the “body” in the process. Most coaching styles are very focused on the language, mental processes, perspectives and beliefs. Although this is still the key element in my personal style of coaching as well, I added “body aspect” as I believe that feelings, emotions, and sensations are first noticed on a physical level before the mind tries to make sense of it.

There’s a lot of potential, wisdom, and answers if you allow yourself to tune into your body and work with it rather than against it. So, in real terms that means that we might not “sit” the whole time during a session and talk. We get up, use the space around us, move, breath, visualize and incorporate your intuition and notions into the coaching process. In my coaching, I work with you, your “self”, as a whole person and through your body. I want you to “embody” new skills and behaviors which goes beyond insight or a cognitive understanding.

Richard Strozzi-Heckler Ph.D., who is the leading expert in describes his Somatic Coaching work: “The body, in the somatic sense, expresses our history, commitments, dignity, authenticity, identity, roles, moral strength, moods, and aspirations as a unique quality of aliveness we call the ‘self’. In this interpretation the body and the self are indistinguishable.

6. Will what I say be private, just between us?

Absolutely. I will always keep your identity as my client confidential, as well as the nature and content of our conversations. I follow the code of ethics as conducted by the ICF.

I may ask you, however, to use your details (name/email) to be registered in my client log as I need to provide proof of my current work as a coach which is monitored by the ICF. However, this is completely voluntary and does not include any information about the process. Please feel free to talk to me more about this if you have specific questions and concerns.

7. What's the involvement of HR in my process?

Independent of whether you asked your company yourself for a Coaching Process, or whether the organization decided to support you in your professional journey, the content of the Coaching Process is 100% confidential.

However, within the process of measuring in how far objectives have been met, there may be a series of meetings and reoports. These serve HR or your direct superior to get an idea of where you are at. All communication is provided by you, the coachee. This means there is no talking ebhind your back between the Coach and the Company.

In general, it’s common to have the following involvement:

  1. Initial triad meeting between HR (and/or direct boss), Coach and Coachee (you)
  2. A report of the first meeting with clear objectives is sent to all parties
  3. Optional: Mid Process- a quick email, or sometimes even meeting to check in how the coachee is doing
  4. Final report followed by a meeting between HR (and/or direct boss), Coach and Coachee (you)



1. What kind of training do you offer?

Leadership Training

For Directors, Managers and Team Leaders that want to take their teams to the next level. This training covers models, tools and insights in relation to “Personal Leadership”, “Relational Leadership” and organizational or “Situational Leadership”.

Team Spirit & Motivation

For small teams or groups that want to focus on team dynamics, in order to achieve cohesion and to align vision and values of team members with their organization.  This training addresses communication, conflict management and fosters constructive ways to better collaboration. Moreover, it’ll explore forms of recognition and incentives as an ongoing strategy to keep team spirit creative and active.

Work Culture

For decision makers, directors and leaders that want to address the systemic context of work culture. This training addresses the common dynamics of organizations, helps improve internal communication and establishes an environment that is supportive and healthy for teams and individuals. Corporate Wellbeing is a strategy that needs as much attention as Social Responsibility in order to assure competiveness. 


2. Who can attend the training?

Participants can be an existing “team”, a group of employees in a similar position or workers that share challenges and responsibilites.

3. How big is the group?

The training is designed for small to medium- sized groups (5-20 people). 

4. What kind of formats do you offer?
  • Workshops:  a short,  less in-depth 2hr session relating to a certain topic or field, usually  at lunch time or first thing in the morning.  
  • Half Day Training:  a 4hr committment for deeper understanding and practical learning methodologies that allow the participants to integrate new ideas and exercise autonomy in how to proceed after the training.
  • Full Training:  tailored to serve a group or team that wants to commit to creating change in the organization or department. The training is divided into 3 parts, each with clear objectives and tasks to implement learning and foster responsibility of the participants. The training may talke up to 1.5 days and may be accompanied by additional Coaching sessions.
5. How much time is required?

The duration of the training depends on the format and complexity of the issue. In general, the time investment tends to be:


  1.   Workshops:  2hrs 
  2.  Half Day Training:  4hrs
  3.  Full Training:  1.5 days


1. How many sessions will I need?

As the majority of issues requires attention during a period of time, it’s advisable to stick to a process consisting of  at least, 6-10 sessions. This usually depends on the following factors: 

  1.  the complexity of the topic
  2.  your commitment, urgency and priority you assign to resolving the issue
  3.  and, most importantly, your own rhythm.

This means it’s more important to respect your own personal pace rather than rushing along, creating more obstacles and perhaps delaying progress in the long run.  We will establish the ideal frequency of the sessions for you during your first session.

2. Frequency

Sessions could be weekly or bi-weekly. I recommend kicking off the process by having the first 2 sessions consecutively within 7-10 days. After this, your next appointments can be made to fit in with your lifestyle and other commitments.  The urgency of the Coaching Process will also be considered when agreeing on timing.

3. How much does it cost?

Usually, a Coaching Process has a duration of 6-10 sessions. It is possible to go for individual sessions as one-off support. However, there are great savings if you do decide to buy a pack. Please, contact us for futher information.  

4. How do I get started?

You can call me (+34 677 27 59 46), send me an email ( or sign up via the contact form via my webpage. I do offer a 30m chat on the phone or Skype (inbody_coaching; Maike; Spain) so we can both get to know each other and make sure that coaching is the right fit for you.

5. What happens if I can’t attend an appointment?

There’s a cancellation policy of 24h. If you don’t show up or don’t cancel in time, the session will be charged in full or subtracted from your pack total.


1. What’s your training & qualification?

As a visual overview, please feel free to check my certificates and diplomas here. You can get most details about my professional career via LinkedIn and the About Page.

Psychology & Coaching

CERTIFIED GESTALT THERAPIST · Institut Gestalt Barcelona · 2016

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFIED COACH  (PCC) · International Coach Federation (ICF) · 2015



ASSOCIATED CERTIFIED COACH (ACC), International Coach Federation (ICF) · 2012

CO-ACTIVE COACH TRAINING · The Coaches Institute London (CTI) · 2010


Agile & Lean

KANBAN BOOTCAMP · Exuviate · 2020

TEAM KANBAN PRACTITIONER · Kanban Univeristy · 2020

SCRUM MASTER CERTIFIED (SMC) · Scrum Alliance · 2020






Leadership & Organisation

LEADERSHIP AGILITY WORKSHOP ·  Changeiwse (Bill Joiner) · 2020


INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMIC INTERVENTIONS IN ORGANISATIONS · Juan Londoño certified by Bert Hellinger Institut Holand · 2019

AGENDASHIFT · Mike Burrows de Positive Incline Limited · 2019

LARGE GROUP INTERACTION · Paul Tolchinsky · 2019




BA · COMMUNCATIONS & CULTURAL STUDIES (upper second class), University of London, Goldsmiths College (London, Uk) · 2003

2. How can I know more about you?

You can read about me on the About page, flick through my training and career on LinkedIn, or just simply get in touch with me: +34 677 27 59 46 or email.

Also, check out the YouTube channel, Twitter and Facebook.

3. Publications & Further Reading

You can read articles in the Blog, access our worksheets via subscription and download the Ebook “Bounce Back” in both languages at Amazon in case you use Kindle. Please, leave us your opinion and a review on Amazon.

Further Reading:

  • The Simple Art of not Giving a F***– Mark Manson
  • The Happiness Advantage – Shawn Anchor
  • CoherenceDr. Alan Watkins
  • Homo Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind– Yuval Noah Harari

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