by Maike Stolte | Create Wellbeing, Inspire Teams, Reduce Conflict
From Frustration to Innovation I wish I could find words similar to those used by wise Buddhists or other gurus that never seem to get frustrated. I’d bring you calm, soothing messages of hope. The bold truth is, however, I can identify with a number of human...
by Maike Stolte | FREE Worksheets, Reduce Conflict
Conflict Resolution: Turning dark into glow Conflicts arise when communication fails. In any relationship, be it personal or professional, you bring your own set of values, needs, and goals, while the other person brings, well, their own set. When you can’t...
by Maike Stolte | FREE Worksheets, Reduce Conflict
Say NO. Simply respect your limits. As I watch my clients grow and develop new skills, I’d say a huge part of the coaching process is connected to the ability to say no. The ability to respect your own boundaries and set limits for others is a crucial element of...
by Maike Stolte | Boost Motivation, FREE Worksheets, Reduce Conflict
Empowering Teams. Manage dysfunctions and create cohesion. Empowering teams and managing people can be quite a challenge. We all come with a bundle of character traits, strategies of communication and conflicting interests. It’s evident that conflict is imminent...
by Maike Stolte | FREE Worksheets, Reduce Conflict
On Being Assertive. How to communicate with authenticity “Every time we speak, we choose and use one of four basic communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive and passive-aggressive.” Jim Ron Communication is literally at the core of our daily...
by Maike Stolte | FREE Worksheets, Inspire Teams, Reduce Conflict
On Becoming a Great Leader How to focus on your strengths and excel! Working with people brings out the best and worst in all of us. For some reason, there is always an area that we can improve on; work sometimes feels like a constant reminder of what you are “not”...