by Maike Stolte | Articles, Create Wellbeing
Burnout. COVID. New Normal: How to get yourself back into balance & recover! By now, most of us share a similar feeling: we feel drained. For months now, we have been bravely facing the Covid-19 pandemic. I think it’s fair to say that it has taken its toll on...
by Maike Stolte | Articles, Inspire Teams
Look ahead! Solution-Focused Leadership at a Glance With solution-focused leadership, you have the tools to get in touch with your strongest visions, connect with your team and design methods to create results. These problem-solving techniques are geared toward...
by Maike Stolte | Articles, Inspire Teams
Discover yourself! Leadership starts with who you are What do Steve Jobs and Gandhi have in common? They are both icons of leadership based on how they were perceived primarily in terms of their character. They serve as examples of what may be called ‘leader...
by Maike Stolte | Articles, Reduce Conflict
Family Drama and the Conflict Scenarios Family conflict scenarios are not easy at the best of times and almost everyone seems to struggle with some aspect of relating to close relatives. However, help is at hand with our insightful article that clarifies how your...
by Maike Stolte | Articles, Reduce Conflict
Strategies for Saying “No” Boundaries are important in any relationship. Whether it be someone at work or home, a family member or a romantic partner. Clarity makes for clear communication and the easy avoidance of misunderstandings. And yet so often, for...
by Maike Stolte | Articles, Boost Motivation, Create Wellbeing, Reduce Conflict
How we manifest our emotional blockages in our body: A Gestalt Perspective Take our free assessment! Countless papers, articles and books have been written about the Gestalt approach to psychotherapy. This paper does not pretend to extend on scientific and empirical...