Insight Stories & Worskheets
Personal Leadership in a Nutshell!

Personal Leadership in a Nutshell!

Personal leadership brings us all back to the basics of human relations: know yourself first, then the other, and then the system. Due to all the abrupt changes the spread of Covid-19 brought to our daily lives and routines, we have been hastily forced to face...

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Career Change: Is it the right time?

Career Change: Is it the right time?

Back at work. By today you may be back amidst the mundane office life. Post-summer blues may have hit it hard and brought you back to the nagging doubts: Stay in this job? Look for a new opportunity in this same niche? Or start a completely new career? Certainly, it’s...

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Keys to Employee Engagement

Keys to Employee Engagement

In terms of employee engagement, I think we have all been there: Work that makes you feel you'd rather stay in bed, and work that drives you to think about solutions creatively, maybe even beyond working hours. Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high...

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Stepping Up. On responsibility & proactivity.

Stepping Up. On responsibility & proactivity.

 I would go as far as arguing that taking responsibility and proactivity in a healthy way is almost like the holy grail. A bit of a statement, I know. However, through my work I have witnessed in others, but also in myself, that taking responsibility, accepting that...

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